
Abirami Lifeline

Critical Care Medicine At Sree Abirami Hospital

The Critical Care Medicine Department at Sree Abirami Hospital is dedicated to providing life-saving treatments and advanced medical care for patients with severe and life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Our state-of-the-art Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are equipped with the latest technology and staffed by a multidisciplinary team of highly trained intensivists, nurses, and support staff who work around the clock to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

Our Specialities

Diagnostic Services

Advanced Imaging

On-site CT, MRI, and ultrasound facilities for rapid and accurate diagnosis of critical conditions.

Laboratory Services

Comprehensive lab testing for quick assessment of blood gases, electrolytes, and other critical parameters.

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Continuous monitoring of heart activity to detect and manage cardiac emergencies.

Hemodynamic Monitoring

Advanced systems to measure and monitor blood flow and pressure, ensuring optimal organ perfusion.

Treatment Approaches

Mechanical Ventilation: Support for patients with severe respiratory distress or failure, using advanced ventilator technology.
Hemodialysis: Continuous renal replacement therapy for patients with acute kidney injury or chronic kidney failure.
Intravenous Medication Administration: Precise delivery of critical medications, including antibiotics, vasopressors, and sedatives.
Nutritional Support: Tailored nutritional plans to support the recovery and strength of critically ill patients.
Pain Management:Effective pain control strategies to ensure patient comfort and promote healing.
Invasive Monitoring: Techniques such as central line insertion and arterial catheterization for accurate monitoring and intervention.

Patient Care

Our Commitment to patient-centered care ensures that each patient and their compassionate support and clear communication throughout their stay in the ICU. We prioritize the well-being and dignity of our patients, providing a healing environment that fosters recovery and hope.
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